Saturday, 9 May 2015


Hello loves! 

Long time no see..but not because we've abandoned this blog, but because bachelor thesis deadlines are coming and also tones of other uni projects, not to mention finals !!!

We've been extremely busy at a point were we haven't even left the house for days. All we do is reading, writing, working!

But enough with the whining and let's talk about fashion.

For today I've decided to talk a little about black. I'm a true believer that everything looks better in black. Matter of fact 89% of my wardrobe is black. 

Even the ICON of fashion, Coco Chanel, once said "Woman think of all colors except the absence of color. I have said that black has it all. ... [Its] beauty is absolute. It is the perfect harmony."

Every time I'm in a shop, buying clothes, and I spot a cute piece, firstly I have to try it on in black.
For that matter I now have a rule, if I buy something it has to be colorful :D

And if you think that an all black outfit is boring or is for the lazy ones, well let me tell you my little friend that you have the wrong idea.

Here are some tips for keeping your all black outfit classy and fashionable:

1.  Work the slimming aspect in your own advantage !

2.  If you don't play with fabrics and textures, you outfit may look one-dimensional and boring

3. Try and choose a fabric that is appropriate for the current season. Silk is a great option for spring and summer

4. Play with accessories to keep thinks a little interesting. Add statement jewelry, a pop of color with a bag or shoes!

5. And finally, if you're feeling bold, add a red lipstick. Is also sexy ;)

Thank you for reading!

Monday, 13 April 2015

Fresh Air!

Hello everyone!

Hope you all had an amazing weekend!
Well Monday again..but I can't complain, because I'm on holiday. 
This year I decided to spend Easter with my family away form the busy Bucharest and we've fond the perfect destination for this escape: Ardeal, more exactly Alba. 

Situated in the northwestern part there are the Apuseni Mountains, this city is known as the as the capital of the "Ţara Moţilor".

The main reason I chose this place is because I needed a little breath from all the agitation. Don't get me wrong, I love Bucharest, but from time to time a little break is welcomed. I came here with a single thought in my mind - I need to charge my batteries, I need to find my inner-self.Well, I was right. I'm still here but I feel so much better, so rested. Now I can go back to the big city life and start fresh with more energy :D



Hei! Sper că ați avut parte de un weekend minunat, și de un Paște seren alături de cei dragi!
Ei bine, este iar luni..dar din fericire de data asta lunea nu reprezintă o problemă. Ieeei pentru vacanță!
Anul acesta am decis să petrec sărbătorile Pascale împreună cu familia mea undeva departe de agitația din capitală și am găsit destinația perfectă: Ardealul, mai exact în Alba.

Situat in nord-estul Munților Apuseni, județul Alba mai este cunoscut și ca Țara Moților.

Am ales să vin aici în special pentru că aveam nevoie de o pauză. Să nu mă înțelegeți greșit, iubesc Bucureștiul, dar din când în când simt nevoia să scap puțin din toată agitația și să mă retrag în munți. să îmi încarc bateriile cu energie pozitivă :)

Ei bine, a fost o alegere perfectă. Încă sunt aici și deja mă simt mult mai bine, mult mai odihnită și pregătită să mă întorc în București și să îmi reiau activităție cu forțe proaspete! 

Friday, 10 April 2015

About relax and vibes. And books.. and.. tea.

Happy Easter, sweethearts!

Hope that you are all good and spending time with your families. I'll spend mine with my godparents and my cousin.
I know we haven't posted any outfit for a while now, but we'll post most likely after Easter Holiday.

Anyway, until then, I want to share some of my good vibes and happiness with you. I have the best time of my life. I'm literally glowing. Don't know what's in the air but I have a mood anybody would die for. I'm feeling like I can do anything. Like everything is possible, you know? And I'm pretty sure this feeling won't leave me soon. 

Yesterday I had a quite afternoon. With tea and a book I bought a day before. It was so nice to spend some time with myself. You should do that as often as you can. It's refreshing for the spirit. You can do anything that makes you relax. Don't know, like painting, watch a movie, listening to music etc.

The book I bought it's called "The girl on paper". I'm pretty sure you heard about it. After reading almost half of it, I can tell you that is interesting. Not amazing but good. The concept is good. Not expensive and very easy to read. It's about an author of a bestseller trilogy. After breaking up with his girlfriend, a famous pianist, falls in a very deep depression. Accordingly, he cannot write the third book of the trilogy. Oh, and on top of that he is bankrupt. He has no money and his best friend is responsible for that. Now, this girls on paper appears one night he took an overdose of antidepressants. She falls from a book was not properly printed. Her purpose in his life is to help him writing his final book. This is how the journey begins. I'll tell you more when I'll finish the book. 



Paște fericit, dragilor!! 

Sper că sunteți bine și că profitați de această perioadă pentru a petrece mai mult timp cu familiile voastre. Eu îmi voi petrece Paștele în compania verișoarei și a nașilor mei. Știu că nu am mai postat ținute de ceva timp dar revenim, cel mai probabil, după vacanța de Paște. 

Până atunci, vreau să împart cu voi buna dispoziție pe care o am de câteva zile. Simt pur și simplu cum strălucesc, atât la figurat, cât și la propriu. Nu știu ce este în aer dar mă simt ca și cum aș fi capabilă de orice. Știți starea aceea în care vi se pare că totul este posibil? Ei bine, despre asta vorbesc. Și sunt sigură că voi rămâne în această stare mult timp de azi înainte. 

Ieri, am avut o după-amiază plăcută și liniștită cu două lucruri care, personal, mă fac fericită. Mai exact: ceai și o carte bună. A fost o pauză binevenită pentru a petrece ceva timp cu mine. Ar trebui să faceți lucrul ăsta cât de des puteți. Face bine la spirit și vă ajută foarte tare să vă relaxați. Nu spun să faceți ceea ce am facut eu, spun doar să derulați o activitate care vă relaxează și vă ajută să vă conectați cu propria persoană. 

Cartea pe care am cumpărat-o se numește "Fata de hârtie". Sunt mai mult decât sigură că majoritatea ați auzit de ea. Am citit aproape jumătate și pot să vă spun că îmi place. Nu este exatrordinară, dar este o lectură plăcută și ușoară. Cartea ilustrează povestea  unui autor, autor a unei trilogii bestseller. În urma unei despărțiri dureroase de iubita sa, acesta cade într-o depresie care îl împiedică să-și scrie cel de-al treilea roman și să-și onoreze promisiunile față de cititori. Mai mult decât atât, în urma unei investiții nereușite a agentului său, care se întâmplă să fie și cel mai bun prieten, rămâne falit. Fata de hârtie apare într-o noapte în care autorul nostru ia o supradoză de antidepresive. Aceasta cade dintr-un roman care nu este printat corect, roman care se întâmplă să fie scris de nimeni altul decât autorul nostru. Scopul apariției este de a-l ajuta să-și termine cel te-al treilea roman pentru a se putea întoarce în cartea din care a căzut. Așa începe o întreagă aventură. O să scriu feedback-ul final când termin cartea. 

Happy Easter again! Kiss you all.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

A day at Carturesti Carusel


Today we've prepared you a cute post :D

We went to Carturesti Carusel, a wonderful bookstore from Bucharest. Carusel, also called "The Carousel of Light" is a monumental XIX century edifice that was transformed into an amazing architectural jewel.

Another cool thing about it is the location. It is located at the very heart of Bucharest on Lipscani street no 55, on a vibrant street, in a area with coffee shops and pubs and also luxury clothing stores.

The bookstore has 6 floors and has over 10,000 books, 5,000 albums and DVDs. Also, in the basement you can find a multimedia store, on the first floor a gallery dedicated to modern art, the second floor is a cute place were you can sit and read, and on the top floor you can find a bistro.

We were instantly amazed by this sumptuous place. The instant you walk in, you feel like time stops. Very well organized space with a great selection of books, nice soft music and lovely people..Can you ask for more from a bookstore?

Ohh and also I (Anreea) have to mention the fluffiness of those Teddy bears!!! <3



Pentru astăzi v-am pregătit un articol draguț :D

Zilele trecute am fost la Cărturești Carusel, o librările din București. Denumită și "Caruselul Luminii", elegantul edificiu reprezintă un monument ce datează din secolul XIX.

Un alt bonus legat de această librarie îl reprezintă locația. Este situată fix în inima Bucureștiului, pe strada Lipscani, la numărul 55, o stradă vibrantă, împânzită de cafenele, pub-uri și magazine cu haine.

Librăria se desfășoară pe 6 etaje și are peste 10,000 de volume de cărți, 5,000 de albume și filme și se preconizează că numărul acestora va crește. De asemena, la subsol se găsește un spațiu multimedia, la primul etaj o galerie dedicată artei contemporane, la cel de-al doilea etaj un spațiu draguțel, cu separeuri unde poți sta și citi in voie și nu în ultimul rând un bistro la etajul superior.

Noi am fost instant cucerite de acest spațiu somptuos cu o arhitectură hipnotizantă. Încă de la intrare simți cum timpul se oprește.
O selecție foarte bună de cărți, o organizare exemplară, muzică placută în surdină, oameni minunati..Ce altceva poți cere de la o librărie?

Sper să avem cât mai multe locuri de genul in București, între timp, Cărturești, well done!

Ahh și evident nu putem uita de ursuleții super mega pufoși <3

Monday, 6 April 2015

I'm in love with H&M Coachella Collection!!!!!

Who loves this collection more than me?

I'm in love with all the clothes and accessories from this collection. I would buy them all. And I'm happy that I bought this ones. Thank you, H&M for this cool stuff! Thank you again and again! 

I wasn't such a H&M fun until now honestly.  But.. they made me fall in love all over again and again in their stores this week. 

Go and buy smth for the name of GOD! 

Somebody stop me from shopping, please!!!! I have a serious problem. I'M A SHOPAHOLIC AND I CAN'T STOP. 
Yesterday I bought myself again two more sweaters. We'll show you later! 
For now, admire this pieces from Coachella Collection.

1. Black lips shaped bag. Love at first sight. How can somebody wear such a bag and not be cool?

2. Lips shaped bag number two. This time on pink. Anreea is guilty for this one! She saw it and of course,  I could not help myself from buyint it, either! :))

3. Hairband with flowers. It's spring, It's a musthave!!


Cine iubește acestă colecție mai mult decât mine?

Sunt pur și simplu îndrăgostită de toate hainele și accesoriile din aceasta colecție noua. Le-aș cumpăra pe toate. Sunt foarte fericită că am reușit totuși sa le cumpăr pe acestea. Deci, mulțumesc brandului H&M pentru aceste lucruri atât de cool!! Mulțumesc iar și iar și iar!!

Sincer, până acum, nu am fost o așa mare fană a acestui brand. Dar m-au cucerit total și iremediabil cu această colecție!

Cineva ar trebui să mă oprească din a mai cumpăra lucruri! Pur și simplu nu mă pot abține!

Acum, vă las să admirați achizițiile din noua colecție H&M Coachella. 

1. Geantă neagră în forme de buze. A fost dragoste la prima vedere. Nu ai cum să porți o asemenea geantă și să nu fii cool. 

2. Geanta în formă de buze numărul doi. De această dată, pe roz. Mi-a plăcut foarte tare culoarea. Ah, Anreea este vinovata! Mi-a atras atenția asupra ei, și, bineînțeles că nu m-am putut abține.

3. Bentiță cu flori. Chiar trebuie să vă cumpărați una! Garantez că o să iubiți cum arată pe părul vostru! 

Friday, 3 April 2015

Hat Addiction !

Hello everyone, my name is Anreea and I have a hat addiction!

I don't even know if there is an actual club for this addiction but if there is I should join it!
This problem is getting serious and I simply can't fix it. Hats make an outfit look better and for that reason alone I'll keep buying and wear them XD

Anyway, let's get back to more interesting stuff. Today was a lovely day, sunny, with flowering trees and cute birds..and a HORRIBLE wind!!!

But that didn't stay in the way of a photoshoot :D

Before seeing the photos, let's talk a little about my outfit. I've stared with a basic gray T-shirt dress  and a pair of knee high boots. And since it's not warm enough for just a t-shirt, I added a denim short jacket. And, to spice up the outfit, I tight-up around the waist a colorful shirt.

As for accessories, I layered some necklaces and some bracelets, plus a bright red clutch type bag.

Hope you like it!

Wish you all a lovely weekend <3
And also, Happy Easter!!! 



Bună ziua, numele meu este Anreea și sunt dependentă de pălării!

Nu știu daca exista o asociație destinată acestei dependențe, însă, dacă exista, ar trebui să mă înscriu!
Problema devine tot mai serioasă și pur și simplu nu o pot remedia! Pălăriile completează perfect o ținută și o fac să arate mai bine, iar pentru mine asta e suficient ca să continui sa le cumpăr și să le port.

În fine, hai revenim la chestii mai interesante. Astăzi a fost o zi atat de simpatică, soare, fumos, copăcei proaspăt infloriți..și evident, cireașa de pe tort, un vânt puternic care a distrus orice mit legat de fixativ..

Dar normal, curajoasa din fire nu am lăsat asta sa mă sperie și am reușit până la urmă să fac câteva poze. Haha sunt extrem de multe super funny în care încercam să îmi salvez pălăria de vânt :))
Poate o să fac cândva un colaj cu ele :D

Cât despre outfit, am început totul de la un tricou basic gri și o pereche de cizme înalte. Cum încă este destul de frig, am luat o jachetă din denim mai scurtă. Și, ca să fie putin mai fun am legat în jurul taliei o cămașă colorată.

Am accesorizat ținuta cu mai multe lanțuri suprapuse și niste brațări, plus o geantă colorata.

Sper să vă placa!
Un weekend însorit vă doresc!

La mulți ani celor cu nume de flori și Paște Fericit pentru cei care sărbătoresc acum!


Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Make spring yours!

Hi there, sweeties! 

We just reached 3000 views! Thank you so much!!  

All good?
For today, I added more color on this blog. I'm wearing some of my favorite clothes and accessories. 

One -  my red bag that I absolutely adore. About that, you must have one red accessory in your closet this spring. It's one of the colors used this season. 

Two - a black long shirt. These long shirts gives you such a cool look, so, if you see one, don't hesitate to buy it! You can wear it almost with everything and it's also fits with your summer look on the beach. Give you my word that you won't regret if you buy it.  I'll do some research and tell you in my next post where you can find one. 

Three - black skirt. Very simple and perfect for any top. Perfect for casual and elegant, as well. I'm sure you already have at least one in your closet.

Four - floral top. If you don't want to keep it very simple, add some floral print on you and you'll have guaranteed success.

Five - the black boots you already know. Because I'm the short type, this boots really gives me the advantage of looking more taller. They are also very comfy. You can wear it the entire day without worrying about your feet. 

Six - pair of sunglasses I bought them last week from Meli Melo. I think you can still find them in stores. They are very cheap and stylishly. 

Seven - two necklaces from H&M also bought last week. Cool, cheap, and you can find it in stores, as well. 

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Black Midi Dress!

Hello there everyone! 
Hope you're well :)

I just got home from the Gym and I'm pretty exhausted..workin' for that bikini body! :D

For today, I want to show you a simple all black outfit. I was wearing a black midi dress from a jersey material with some black boots and a red clutch for a small pop of color. As for accessories, I kept it really simple, just a golden necklace.

I really like this dress because you can style it in different ways. I will try and restyle it in future posts :)

Maybe it's just me or maybe it's something in the air but I find myself in a sort of a strange mood. Or maybe it's the spring asthenia haha. I heard that you can "cure" this asthenia with shopping, so in stores with me!!! :))

Anyway not to worry, I will try and bring myself up because Easter is right around the corner and you just can't be sad when you know that the Easter Bunny is coming loaded with gifts (hopefully!)

Monday, 30 March 2015

Pop of Color!


First of all, sorry for the lack of posts in the last two days, but deadlines and partials are coming, and things are starting to get busy.

But don't worry, we are still here! 

Today I had a lovely photo-shoot in the sunny Bucharest and I'm very happy with the results. 
As for my outfit, I decided it was time for some color to match with the nice weather.

So, I choose this knitted bright red sweater, a furry vest, black leather trousers, some black boots and a cute blue bag.

Here are some of the pictures!

Friday, 27 March 2015

Sun. Park. Nude Sweater Dress !

Happy Friday everyone!

You know it's gonna be a great day when you wake up in the morning and the sun is shining. That's exactly how yesterday was for me. 

And since Spring can't yet make her mind whether or not to stay (right now it's cold and please warm weather come faster!!!), when you see the sun shining you have to go out and enjoy every second of it.

So, that's what we did, we took a nice, long walk in the park. Of course, pictures included.

As for my outfit, I choose something comfy, a nude sweater dress, short pants, black over the knee boots and a hat.. I know, I have a serious problem with hats. But they complete your outfit so nicely. 

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Fluffy sweater on sales!

New post loooooves! How is your day?

I'm very excited about this one! I love the  photos I took yesterday and I hope you'll love it even more. :D

Today we had a shooting for futures posts and we had a lot fun in the park! The sun was with us too and everything was perfect. If you saw two crazy girls in Herăstrău  Park today, that will be us:)). I love it when the sun comes out and the people go out to take walks with their friends, family and pets.  It's another vibe, you know?

Now, let's talk about my outfit, shall we?

I have the most amazing fluffy sweater!!! I bought it last week and I loveeee it! It was on sales, so double happiness for me:">. You can find it at H&M ( I bought it from Promenada mall in Romania). You will love how fluffy and warm it is! I was wearing it with a pair of blue jeans, black boots, a very big black bag and a silver necklace. And because in the morning was a bit cold, I added a black knitted scarf. 

Hope you like it!  Oh.. and go buy this one!! You won't regret it!

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Long Shirt Dress For a Coachella Inspired Look !


Today was such a nice, warm and sunny day in Bucharest so of course we had another fun photo shoot. Ouh and also we've finally changed location haha.

A few days ago, while doing some spring cleaning in my closet, I've rediscovered a long shirt dress that I've totally forgotten about. The little treasures you find while spring cleaning!!!

I like how flowy this shirt is. It's also versatile, you can wear it like I did, or on its own. Not to worry, you will see it again styled differently :D

For today, I felt a little Coachella inspired, so I decided to bring some of the elements in my outfit.

I chose to wear the shirt dress as an cardigan styled with a black top, black eco leather trousers and some black boots. As for accessories, I went for my new round sunglasses, cuz I like the hippie vibe they give, perfectly for my Coachella inspired look I was going for, and three layered necklaces. The make-up was natural and I had my hair in a loose updo. 

Let me know if you like my outfit :D

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Striped side cut long T-shirt look!

Hey loves! How are  you? Are you having a good day? 

Let me know how is your day.

Mine? I'm exhausted. My neighbors right under me are renovating and they woke me up like 8 a.m.  with a nice headache. So, because of that, I skipped college and stayed in bed  today:">.. Not all day!! Just between 8 and 13:00 o clock. 

After that, I decided to cook something and spent like 5 hours in the kitchen. You get me now? 

Not one of my best days, but.. neither the worse. 

I've seen a lot of people around here in just a few days so I want to thank you for being so active. You're amazing! I'm getting positive energy from you and means a lot for us. Thank you one more time!

Today, I'll show you my yesterday's outfit. About that, it was so freakin' cold yesterday!! I was freezing:|. What's wrong with this weather? (Romanians will get me here)
Whatever. Yesterday  I was wearing a pair of black leather pants, one striped side cut long T-shirt, silver sneakers, black jacket, black bag and some accessories. 


Monday, 23 March 2015

New Sunglasses !

Hello, Anreea here!

How are you beautiful people from the internet?
It's Monday again, everybody's going back to school or work and we are all recovering from the weekend, myself included. 

So, in order to spoil myself a bit I decided to start my week with a little treat and I bought a new pair of sunglasses. 
I've been noticing this round glasses trend and I'm definitely on the bandwagon :D

This ones are from Stradivarius (and for you, my Romanian girls, I'll give an extra tip, you can find them at Stradivarius Unirii , thank me later haha) and they are really cheap, so yey for me.

Sadly, the weather didn't cope with me and the sun was hiding between the clouds pretty much all day. But not to worry cuz this did not stop this little enthusiast from taking a few pictures. Although, to be honest, it was kind of freezing cold :(


Saturday, 21 March 2015

Sunny Day in Bucharest!

Beautiful people,

Spring it's finally here!! Today for me was a beautiful sunny day. What about you?

 I went again at OI Franklin9 to buy a beautiful black dress < I'll take some photos later>  and, since I was out and the sun was too, I also took a little walk. It turns out that the Romanian Atheneum is our new favorite place because we spent a lot of time there today:)). 

Although, it has a lot to do with the fact that is very very very close of OI.

 Anyway, firstly we stopped to grab a cup of coffee, so.. amazing place, sun, clean fresh air, two girls stayin' on a bench => well..a perfect picture!

Ohh.. and there were a lot of pigeons flying around. Honestly, I wish you were there with us to admire the view and feel the warmth of the sun.. It was amazing!

For today, I chose black again. I don't think I'll ever get bored of this color, so, you better get used to it because you'll see a lot of black around here! XD

I went for that beautiful cardigan you already know, black jeans, black boots, black top, black bag, silver necklace and a pair of glasses, of course.

Here are the photos. Let me know if you like them! 

Friday, 20 March 2015

Happy Day + OOTD !


First of all, Happy International Day of Happiness!

Today for us started in the usual way, nothing special. The weather was still bad, cloudy and rainy, so no solar eclipse for us :(

In the afternoon, we decided to fight the weather and go out. So, a cute coffeehouse was the perfect place.
A good cup of coffee, a cozy place, great music, friends and wireless..can you ask for more?

After a long period of Instagram scrolling and Blog comments responding (for which we want to enormously thank you!!!! <3 ) we went on a walk on the streets of Bucharest.

While wondering the streets we've spotted a little shop called OI Franklin9 and of course we immediately went inside. Inside, surprise surprise was Irina Milenkovici!!! It turns out OI is her shop.

Needless to say how excited and happy we were to see her there. We've tried on some of the clothes, and chatted with her, she is such a lovely person!

After the shopping was done, we continued our walk and also took some great pics at the Romanian Athenaeum.

So here are some of the pictures, hope you will enjoy them!

Thursday, 19 March 2015

All Black Outfit

Hei, sweethearts!

How are you? Personally, I am so sleepy right now.. God, I'm tryin' to keep my eyes open to write down this article.  Last night was one of our girlfriends birthday and we had one of those "party all night long" nights. Anreea can confirm this:))!

We had a lot of fun and met new friendly people. I was in bed around 7 a.m. and woke up around 12, so, 5 hours of sleep didn't work out too well for me, I guess. Whatever, this is not the real topic for today. The real topic was my last night outfit XD. 

Yesterday, I found the most amazing H&M hooded cardigan . Its color? 
You have one guess!! :)) 
Seriously, I'm in love with this cardigan!! Made my night! You know that feeling when you are in love with your outfit and it makes your day? I think this one made my whole week! 
I was wearing it with a pair of short leather black pants on top of black tights, a black top and, of course, a pair of black boots! 

Yeah, all black baby!! Or.. How I wrote in my Facebook post last night, I was feeling like a black widow end enjoyed every second of it! :))

To accessorize my outfit I used one long layered necklace. It's very important to wear any type of accessories because they complete your outfit and give you that.. something! 
But also, it's very important not to wear way too many accessories at the same time. You don't want to be kitchy. Speaking of, how Chanel said it one time "Before you leave the house, look in the mirror, and  remove one accessory."

Now, to achieve that "Bad Girl" look, I added Rebel by Mac lipstick and smokey-eyes make up. 

Here's a picture! <sorry for the quality >

*Hooded Cardigan - H&M
*Short leather pants - H&M
*Top - H&M
*Boots - Stradivarius
*Necklace - Mango

XO Al.

When the weather it's awful

Hi there!

Hope you're well.
Myself, I'm all all tucked up in bed although it's only half past six. I'm not feeling sick and i'm definitely not a grandma..but the weather it's awful!

I don't know how the weather is where you live, but in Bucharest it seems like winter it's not planning to leave anytime soon. It's cloudy and windy and it even snowed..

So since going out it off the table I started thinking what else I can do with my free time. 
So here are some of the ideas:

First of all you can clean up, I know, it doesn't sound appealing but since you are stuck in the house might as well do something useful that will also help you consume some of the energy.

Next you can read a book and I also have a suggestion for you, Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover. It's an easy to read book about a complicated love story and the most important part, the main character in the movie that is being made based on this book is...drum rolls Nick Bateman ohh the feels :)). So girls, put your imagination to work. 

If reading is not a good option you can also watch a movie or a sitcom such as Friends or Two and a Half Men, something funny that will take your mind off the bad weather. If a large cup of hot chocolate and a cozy blanket it's involved, the day will be complete.

Another option would be a PJ party, with pizza, chocolate, a good movie and lots of laughs.

For me, the PJ party it's about to start, so I'll wrap my blog post here. Hope my suggestions helped some of you get trough a cold day or if where you live is sunny, please go out and enjoy your day!

Thank you for reading! 

xx - An.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Who's Anreea?

Hello everyone,

I'm Anreea, the other half from Pinch of Black. 

Now it's my turn to say something about myself. I'm 22 years old, I'm majoring in economics at the ASE Bucharest.

As for other things I love, I can mention makeup, fashion, shopping, chocolate, reading good books, watching tone of movie series and taking long walks in the park. 
I like summer thunder storms and snowy Christmases, I actually am a little Christmas freak haha. 

I absolutely adore animals, especially my little dog, Lara. 

I'm trying to have a healthier lifestyle, eating the right thing at the right hour, going to the gym regularly, etc. 

More about me you will find out in my future posts and hopefully you will enjoy them. 

xx An. 

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Who's Allie?

So.. Hellooo!
 Here, Allie. This is my first poooost. So.. please, don't be too judgmental.. I'm really excited about this. 
First of all, in this post I want to talk a little about myself.
 Well.. I’m 21 years old, actually my birthday was like a week ago. 
I'm not the skinny type, although, I look pretty good. Just kidin' :))).. I will insert a photo of myself so you can see with your own eyes how I actually look like.

 I'm an only child, actually, I only have my Mom, but she's not living with me at the moment because she's not in Romania. I've been raised by my grandparents, in a small town, with animals and all that stuff:)). I attended highschool there, and now, I'm a student at the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest. 
About my passions, I love everything that has to do with fashion (we'll talk about this subject later), shopping, reading books, painting, EATING (a lot), traveling and discovering as many new things as my time allows. 

As for my qualities, I’m ambitious, kind, friendly, smart, good with words and I have a really big heart. On the other hand, I can also be very stubborn, impulsive, and a day dreamer.. not sure if the last one is 100% a bad thing because.. you know what they say: dream big or don’t dream at all!!
 And these would be a few words to help you make a small idea about myself. I hope  you'll enjoy my future posts! See ya! Let me know what do you think about me. Tomorrow we'll actually get into business! :)) 


Monday, 16 March 2015

About us

Hi guys!

We are Allie and Anreea, two young girls from Romania, students in Bucharest.
 Apart from being classmates, we are also very passionate about fashion and pretty much everything beauty related.

After a couple of years of following a bunch of fashion bloggers and beauty gurus online, we've decided to start our own blog, hoping to inspire and maybe make your days a bit better. We'll be posting about fashion, beauty, lifestyle, love stories, food and every interesting thought that we'll have in mind.

So here it is, our blog, Pinch of Black.

Why black? Well..because it's our happy color :D

We hope you will enjoy it and you'll join us in this journey!

XOXO - Al&An